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If you are a retailer interested in partnering with us, we are interested in hearing from you! Please contact us at info@ancesserie.com or give us a ring at 678-835-7689. We are growing by leaps and bounds and would love for you to be a part of our American story. In appreciation and dedication to our retailers, it is company policy that we only sell to a limited number of stores per zip code, dependent on size of city. If a current vendor does not re-order within six months, we will notify interested parties, opening the opportunity to partner with us. Thanks for your understanding. You may peruse our current online WHOLESALE catalog here: www.ancesseriecatalog.com.

Sale Rep for IA, WI, ND, SD, MN is  MARGIE PIECHOWSKI. If you are a retailer in this area, please contact Margie at
P. 507.452.0582
C.507.429.469  or margiep@hbci.com